As we start the new year, the lake level is 1070.54 (.46 below pool) and the water temps are 48-51 degrees. The water clarity is clear on the main lake and moves to a slight stain in the backs of the creeks. As is typical this time of year, the key to catching quantity is small bait. Our most used rod this month will be downlines on an Okuma 7 ½ Striper rod with an Okuma 203 line counter with 15-20 lb mono main line. Your best bet is to attach a Capt Mack’s 1.5 oz swivel sinker to the main line and then tie on 3-4 feet of 10-12 lb fluorocarbon leader with a #4 Gamakatsu Octopus Circle at the end. January stripers can be very finicky and by reducing your hook and leader size to match the small trout, herring, or medium shiners you will be using, you will keep these baits moving around more naturally which should earn you extra bites. We are seeing a good population of 28-32 inch (9-12#), 4.5-5.5 year old fish and they tend to eat bigger bait. Switch it up to at least one downline with a 1/0 or 2/0 circle and pin a medium trout or medium Gizzard Shad in the 7-9 inch range on. All of your January fish will be around large concentrations of bait in 30-60 feet of water, and you will be fishing your baits anywhere from two feet to about 15 feet off the bottom. Use your Humminbird SOLIX to find these large concentrations of bait towards the backs of any creek on the lake. Favorites will be Bald Ridge, Shoal, Flat, Ada, Little River, Thompson, Yellow, and Johnson. The best artificials to use this time of year are Capt Mack’s Super Spoon on schools of fish you find around the bait and Mini Macks for searching for spread out fish. The 3/4 or 1 oz Super Spoon with silver or chartreuse foil with a dressed treble are the same size as shad that you will see these fish spit up so keep one tied on to drop down to any fish you see on the bottom around any large concentrations of bait. The key to catching this month is find the bait and the fish will be close by. Jesus Christ has blessed us with a new year, do all you can to tell him thank you by loving your neighbor.
Call us today at 678-300-4865 to book your Striper Experience!