Striper Fishing Fun on Lake Lanier

July 2021 Lake Lanier Striper Fishing Report

As of July 8, the lake level is 1069.91 (1.09 feet below full pool) and water temps are in the low to mid 80s with clear water conditions on the south end of the lake.  July on Lanier means the deep water on the south end of the lake will typically have huge schools of stripers.  You can look for these fish in deep drainages, creek channels, and the river channel in 40-60’ of water early in the day and 80-100’ later in the afternoon from Brown’s Bridge to the dam.  You can search for these fish and fish at the same time by trolling with lead core or Cannon downriggers using a 1.5 oz Capt Mack’s Chipmunk jig with your favorite colored trailer.  Another great trolling lure to use is the Fat HAWG spoon in nickel or pearl, with or without the silver scale markings (and/or) the Striper Tackle Super Spin Shad.  The Striper Tackle Super Spin Shad comes in 1, 1.5, and 2 oz. sizes, in white, chartreuse, or crystal head colors. They are matched with custom fit shad bodies in glow, glow/chartreuse, crystal chartreuse, or pearl/black. If you are not close to the lake to pick some up from Oakwood Bait and Tackle or Hammonds then get over to to get yours.

Use the side imaging on your Humminbird graph to make your searches much easier as this increases your pattern coverage 100s of feet wide vs 20-30’ using down imaging only.  Pulling lead core at 2.5-3 mph with 6-8 colors out and using your Cannon downriggers with your spoon 40-60’ behind your downrigger ball that is 25-40’ down will be your best bets.  Once you find a school of fish go ahead and get your live baits out on your downlines.  This month our setup will be a 1.5-2 oz Capt Mack’s swivel sinker, 6-8 feet of 10# fluorocarbon leader, finishing with a #2 Gamakatsu Circle or #1 Octopus hook.  This setup will get your fragile bait down thru the warmer surface water fast and allow him to swim around without dragging around an oversize hook or heavy leader. The best baits will be herring, but small to medium gizzard shad will get the attention of some larger fish.  Make sure you keep a Boss HAWG spoon or 2oz Capt Macks Chipmunk with trailer tied on so that you can drop down thru these schools and power reel these baits up through the fish.  Be prepared to cover a lot of water since the stripers will be moving all over the south end of the lake this month.  

Remember that God’s presence allows you to be filled with peace even when you can’t see the path. He never promises things will be easy, but He does promise to be with us always.

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