Lake Lanier Striper Fishing

September 2021 Lake Lanier Striper Fishing Report

For September, summer fishing is in full swing.  We expect that summer pattern to continue through the month.  Lake level is at 1071.78 (.78 feet above full pool at writing) with water temps from 80-82 degrees and the lake is clear.  For our summer pattern, please remember that it is important to get the fish you catch back in the water as soon as possible and limit the pictures you are taking so you can get those fish back quickly.   The dissolved oxygen content in the upper layers of water is very low and as you fight your hooked fish through the last 20 feet, the fish is very stressed.  Imagine you leaving here at 1000 feet above sea level, flying to Denver at 5280 feet above sea level, and immediately running an 800m race.  You will be sucking wind and the fish are too.  The best way to get the fish back down is by “shooting” them face first down or even invest in a SeaQualizer that will drop the fish down to depth on a weight and then releases the fish. The SeaQualizer is a great tool for our deep stripers.  It is also great for the rare and elusive American Red Snapper and Grouper that so many of us chase for fun throughout the year since they are only edible for about 4 months during the year. 

This month we will be looking for large groups of fish with our Humminbird Solix electronics.  There will be lots of looking and the only way to catch a striper while looking is to also be trolling with lead core or with your Cannon downrigger.  The Striper Tackle HAWG jig series Super Spin Shad in 1.5 or 2 oz sizes in white head/white body, white/glo, or chartreuse/chartreuse glitter has been great this year.  The Fat HAWG spoon in nickel, nickel/silver scale, or pearl/silver scale has also produced a lot of fish this summer. Both of these baits can be purchased at Oakwood Bait and Tackle or at Hammond’s Fishing Center.  The HAWG series of spoons is also available at 

After you find the big schools of fish that will be present from Big Creek and Two Mile Creek south to the dam, drop your down line herring to them. Change your set up to at least a 1.5-2 oz Capt Mack’s swivel weight or a 1.75 oz pencil sinker and 10-12 feet of 8-10# fluorocarbon leader to a #2 Gamakatsu circle hook this month.  The pitch bait rods are still getting bite as well, so keep at least 2 of these spinning rod setups with 12# mono or 20#braid mainline with a 3 foot 10# flouro leader and #2 circle hook tossed back behind the boat. This year we have not put any split shot on the line at all as the fish are coming up pretty shallow to eat a lone herring. “Have no other gods before me and make no images to worship.” God does not want to be ON your list of priorities as much as he wants to be IN your list. 

Call us today to book your Striper Experience 678-300-4865!

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