Lake Lanier Striper Fishing

October 2022 Lake Lanier Striper Fishing Report

The lake level is 1067.27 (3.73 feet below full pool) and water temps are 71-73 degrees.  While a large part of the lake is clear, turnover is in full swing and there are plenty of areas on the lake with the milky look that comes along with it. The fish have already begun their breakout of the south end of the lake and can be found all the way up in to the middle part of the lake up to the Hwy 53 bridges on both arms of the lake. The top water bite has yet to really get cranked up, but by the first couple weeks of the month, we should see it get going.  The first couple hours of the morning or the last couple hours of daylight in the afternoon on the mostly sunny days that we tend to have in October will be your best bets for top water action.  On the days where there is some cloud cover, you will likely see these explosive schools of fish any time during the day.  There will be schools coming up from Big Creek up to Orr Creek along the river channel, in the Two Mile and Six Mile junctions, and the mouths of Flat and Mud Creeks as well.  Look for big, multiple splashes that can be seen from a long way off even.  A good pair of binoculars will also help scan the lake for these blowups.  This activity is typically very quick so be ready to run hard to the schools while they are up.  Approach the feeding school from up wind if possible so that you can make an even longer cast with the wind assisting your lure.  All kinds of top water lures will work this month like a Chug Bug, Zara Spook, or Magic Swimmer.  The Capt Mack’s JR HAWG spoon is also an excellent choice for these schoolers too in nickel or nickel/ silver scale on sunny days and pearl or pearl/ blue scale on cloudy days.  This casting spoon is a great bait because it can be fished near the surface like you would a magic swimmer, but it can also be fished deep by allowing it to fall and yo-yoing it back to the boat after the school has gone back down.  It can also be fished vertically when these schools of fish get under the boat.  Drop it straight down about 20 feet below the fish you are marking on your Humminbird Helix or Solix and power reel it back up through the fish like you did during the summer with the Boss HAWG.  This has been a tough summer bite, but the top water schools are starting to form and it’s a great time to be on the lake with the awesome fall weather. “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.

There is no difference in anyone-the same Lord is Lord of all and blesses all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:11-13.  Notice how many times in this statement that it says everyone or all.  All are called to believe in Jesus and we are called to love all as Jesus did.

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