Lady Loves Catching Lake Lanier Striped Bass

June 2023 Lake Lanier Striper Fishing Report

Lanier is at 1068.8, 2.2 feet below full pool, with water temps in the high 70s and clear water lake wide.  June is a big transition month.  The striper shallow water bite will be over and the fish will be moving deeper with the increasing water temps.  Most of our fish will be caught in pockets from Brown’s Bridge down to the dam and in drainages coming into the main creeks on the south end.  These areas give the stripers multiple environments to feed in.  They can chase shallow bait early and late in the day in 10-20 feet of water, while having 40-50 feet of water to go to when the sun comes up.  Downlines pulled slowly (.4-.6 mph) thru these areas with herring at 20-30 feet down will be very effective.  When you find a few fish Spot Lock on these fish with your Minn Kota I-Pilot and let the fun begin.  If the Stripers move out from under your boat try tapping on the floor of your boat with a pool cue or broom handle with an old butt cap off an old fishing rod.  The rubber bottoms on these sticks will make a low pitched tone thru the hull of your boat and often attract stripers to the boat and to your baits. Some days however they can be skittish so try pitching a couple of herring on spinning rods 30-40’ behind the boat.  This set up will give you a shot at those fish that move out from under the boat as it passes over.  June will also be the start of our lead core trolling season. 1 oz White/ White or White/ Glow StriperTackle Super Spin Shad pulled 2.5-3 mph will be a great way to cover more water while you are looking in these pockets.  A Capt Mack’s Mini Mack on lead core will also catch a lot of fish this month in the larger pockets where you have more room to turn out of as you reach the end of the pocket.  Keep a 3/8oz CMs Chipmunk or Spot Sticker 3.3 inch swim body on a 1/4oz ball head jig close by to cast to the last of the top water action and be ready for anything this month. Get out there and catch em up.

Not being a bad person is not going to get you into heaven. Eternal life is a given to us as a gift.  “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord.”  Romans 6:23

Call us at 678-300-4865 to book your Striper Experience!

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